

Bern successful in bid for 2023 EuroGames

      The EuroGames – a multisport event dedicated to diversity and inclusion– will take place in Bern from July 26th to 29th, 2023. Licensed by the EGLSF (European Gay and Lesbian Sport Federation), and voted by the General Assembly, the decision was announced this week. Bern Pride is to take place at the same time. At the end of July 2023, EuroGames will take place in Bern attracting up to 3,000 athletes. This major annual event is hosted primarily by, and for, the LGBTQI+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex) community and has been held in different European [...]

2020-07-08T11:33:32+02:00Wednesday, July 8th, 2020 @ 11:33|Categories: 2020, Announcements, EuroGames, External, News, Press Release, Sport|0 Comments

EGLSF Board Statement – EuroGames 2020 Dusseldorf Cancellation

The 2020 edition of EuroGames was scheduled to be held in Dusseldorf, Germany on August 5th-9th. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hosting the event on these dates was ruled out. After much deliberation and effort in trying to find another date to host the EuroGames, on June 16th, EuroGames 2020 Dusseldorf organisers officially announced the cancellation of the EuroGames 2020 in Dusseldorf. All registered participants were informed directly by EuroGames 2020 Dusseldorf organisers. The reimbursement policy is clearly laid out in the information sent to registered participants. The EGLSF Board would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved [...]

2020-06-25T08:48:54+02:00Thursday, June 25th, 2020 @ 8:48|Categories: 2020, Announcements, EuroGames, External|0 Comments

EGLSF Annual General Assembly Budapest 2019

The EGLSF Annual General Assembly, which took place in  Budapest on 15th-17th March, voted in a new co-President - Hugh Torrance. We welcome him and look forward to working with him. Diana van den Born was reappointed for the position of board member at large.  The Annual General Assembly also voted in favour of future EuroGames in Nijmegen in 2022, and future Annual General Assembly in Berne  in 2021.  Full details of the proceedings will be available in the minutes, which will be published within 3 months.

EGLSF at ENGSO Conference in Visby, Sweden

EGLSF was represented by board member David Hofstetter at the ENGSO General Assembly, which was held in Visby, Sweden 8th-10th June this year. We deliberated, and accepted, an invitation earlier in the year from ENGSO to become an associate member, and to present an application for the ENGSO “Equality within Sports” committee for a two-year term. The General Assembly kicked off on Saturday morning with the “Sports and Inclusion” seminar, in which David presented the work that EGLSF does, our goals and achievements. Other presentations included gender equality in Swedish sport, and the ASPIRE project focusing on the inclusion of [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:15+02:00Monday, June 11th, 2018 @ 13:39|Categories: 2018, Advocacy, Announcements, News|0 Comments

EGLSF voted to ENGSO Equality Within Sports committee

The ENGSO General Assembly in Visby, Sweden was an important landmark for the EGLSF this year. Our application to be an associate member of ENGSO was accepted, and our board member David Hofstetter was voted to the ENGSO “Equality Within Sports” committee for a two-year term. Other committee members are:  Niina Toroi (Chair) – Olympic Team Finland, Ioanna Karyofylli, ???????? ????????????? ????? - Hellenic Paralympic Team, Rachel May - Engso Youth, Anabela Sousa Vaz dos Reis - Confederação do Desporto Portugal. We look forward to working with ENGSO to make sure that LGBT+ rights within sports are represented at the [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:15+02:00Monday, June 11th, 2018 @ 13:20|Categories: 2018, Advocacy, Announcements, News, Press Release|Tags: , , |0 Comments