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Outreach information EuroGames Stockholm

EuroGames Stockholm 2015 will offer an extensive outreach programme. To provide the maximum number of people for outreach the programme foremost will include possibility of free registration fee and accomondation in dormitory. There will also be a few that receive additional travel grant and/or hosted housing or hotel accommodation. The travel grant is a fixed number for each country. The selection process will focus on geographical areas, gender/sexual/age equality as well as over all financial situation of are of residence. The regulation can be found in our Terms & Conditions section. Interest for outreach is to be performed no later [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:21+02:00Friday, February 6th, 2015 @ 23:37|Categories: EuroGames, News|Tags: , |0 Comments

2014 Membership Information

2014 membership  You can find the online membership form at our website. Please fill it in providing all the required information, as indicated in the form. Do not forget to fill the sections on sports offered with number of men and women at every sport. This information is needed for statistical backgrounds (perhaps some people do more one sport, so it could be that the total members’ number could be lower than the total per sports). The number of members determines the fee each club has to pay as EGLSF membership fee for 2014; the table is enclosed in the membership form. Invoices are sent [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:23+02:00Wednesday, January 29th, 2014 @ 10:48|Categories: 2014, AGA, News|Tags: , |Comments Off on 2014 Membership Information