

Statement on FINA banning transgender athletes from women’s races

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Contact: Erika Patrikainen EGLSF General Secretary: EGLSF on FINA banning transgender athletes from women's elite races Last Sunday, FINA, the world governing body for swimming, voted to effectively ban transgender athletes from competing in women's elite races with the statement that “male-to-female transgender athletes …. are eligible to compete in the women’s category … if they can establish to FINA’s comfortable satisfaction that they have not experienced any part of male puberty beyond Tanner Stage 2 or before age 12, whichever is later.” Shortly afterwards, the International Rugby League (IRL) issued a statement [...]

2022-06-26T13:43:18+02:00Sunday, June 26th, 2022 @ 13:43|Categories: 2022, Advocacy, External, Press Release, Swimming|0 Comments

EGLSF on CAS Ruling on Women Track Athletes

Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) ruling on women track athletes Discrimination is necessary. This is what the CAS ruling has decided. To level the playing field in women’s athletics it is necessary and fair to discriminate against those women who show a natural advantage for their sport. Now, to compete in certain athletics events – for this ruling does not cover all athletics events, just track events shorter than one mile and longer than 400m, those that Caster Semenya excels in - women like Caster Semenya are obliged to alter their natural body chemistry in order to meet guidelines [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:15+02:00Monday, May 13th, 2019 @ 9:37|Categories: 2019, Advocacy, Press Release|Tags: , |0 Comments

EGLSF backing Nilla Fischer film for Strong Is… initiative

In the run up to the Women's World Cup 2019 in France, the EGLSF is backing the launch of the UEFA Together WePlayStrong campaign, Strong Is… Nilla Fischer film. Strong Is ... is a three-part documentary series which follows the journeys of the most distinguished players and personalities in the women’s game [of football]. The EGLSF is supportive of all initiatives that motivate more women to take part in organised sport and applauds all individuals and organisations who push for progress in the fight against discrimination in sport based on gender identity & sexual orientation. Read about Swedish International Nilla Fischer, who speaks candidly [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:15+02:00Wednesday, August 29th, 2018 @ 14:45|Categories: 2018, Advocacy, Press Release|0 Comments

EGLSF at ENGSO Conference in Visby, Sweden

EGLSF was represented by board member David Hofstetter at the ENGSO General Assembly, which was held in Visby, Sweden 8th-10th June this year. We deliberated, and accepted, an invitation earlier in the year from ENGSO to become an associate member, and to present an application for the ENGSO “Equality within Sports” committee for a two-year term. The General Assembly kicked off on Saturday morning with the “Sports and Inclusion” seminar, in which David presented the work that EGLSF does, our goals and achievements. Other presentations included gender equality in Swedish sport, and the ASPIRE project focusing on the inclusion of [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:15+02:00Monday, June 11th, 2018 @ 13:39|Categories: 2018, Advocacy, Announcements, News|0 Comments

EGLSF voted to ENGSO Equality Within Sports committee

The ENGSO General Assembly in Visby, Sweden was an important landmark for the EGLSF this year. Our application to be an associate member of ENGSO was accepted, and our board member David Hofstetter was voted to the ENGSO “Equality Within Sports” committee for a two-year term. Other committee members are:  Niina Toroi (Chair) – Olympic Team Finland, Ioanna Karyofylli, ???????? ????????????? ????? - Hellenic Paralympic Team, Rachel May - Engso Youth, Anabela Sousa Vaz dos Reis - Confederação do Desporto Portugal. We look forward to working with ENGSO to make sure that LGBT+ rights within sports are represented at the [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:15+02:00Monday, June 11th, 2018 @ 13:20|Categories: 2018, Advocacy, Announcements, News, Press Release|Tags: , , |0 Comments