Home/Tag: FARE

Competition time: win tickets for the UEFA Women’s Champions League Final!

Fare is giving away a pair of tickets for the UEFA Women’s Champions League final. The encounter will see the French side Paris Saint-Germain play 1.FFC Frankfurt at Friedrich-Ludwig-Jahn-Sportpark, at 18.00 CET, on Thursday 14 May in Berlin. To get the chance to see the game, you only need join our competition!

2015-05-04T16:05:47+02:00Monday, May 4th, 2015 @ 16:05|Categories: 2015, External|Tags: |0 Comments

Fare & FvH: Small grants available for IDAHOT activities

Fare and Football v Homophobia have launched an international small grants scheme to mark the International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOT), celebrated on 17 May. Ten grants of € 400 each will support grassroots clubs, fan groups or community associations to undertake actions to tackle discrimination of LGBT people. Please feel free to apply and share this opportunity among your members and networks. It would be great to count with you all! The deadline for applications is Friday, 1 May. For more information about the IDAHOT grants scheme, click here

2015-04-28T12:20:20+02:00Tuesday, April 28th, 2015 @ 12:20|Categories: 2015, News|Tags: , |0 Comments

‘Respect Diversity’ conference inspires change in European football

The 2014 UEFA ‘Respect Diversity’conference has drawn the attention of European football on issues of diversity and exclusion across the sport. The need to tackle racism and homophobia, give voice to minority groups, promote gender and ethnic diversity in leadership positions and empower players to be role models in fighting discrimination were all significant focus points for the 250 delegates last week. During the two-day event (10 and 11 September) representatives from within football, political and governmental organisations, experts and Fare member delegates representing NGOs and minority groups met in Rome to find solutions and plan action against discrimination in [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:21+02:00Wednesday, September 17th, 2014 @ 23:17|Categories: 2014, News|Tags: , , , |0 Comments