
Board elections 2014

We would like to remind you that, as in every AGA, there will be elections for board positions. This time, the following positions will be open for election: female co-president treasurer (male or female) two board member positions at large (male and female) AGA 2015 hosting city According to article 11.4 of EGLSF bylaws, gender equality must be assured at EGLSF Board level. In case you or any members in your club are interested and would like to stand for election to any of the above mentioned positions, please email our general secretary, Annette Wachter, indicating the board position you [...]

2014-04-30T22:30:16+02:00Friday, December 6th, 2013 @ 11:28|Categories: 2013, AGA|Comments Off on Board elections 2014

EGLSF Funding Programme 2013: Announcement of project results

The board of the European Gay & Lesbian Sport Federation (EGLSF) is happy to announce the projects which will be funded this year through the EGLSF Funding Programme 2013: Strengthening Development in Central & Eastern Europe - Good Practice Small Grants Fund. Six small project from six different countries will be supported: Bosnia & Herzegovina: "qSPORT for queer people" by qSport Bulgaria: "Through sport to tolerance" by Association of the Sports Journalists of the Bulgarian Union of Journalists Lithuania: "Fair Play for Inclusive Sport" by Lithuanian Gay League Macedonia (FYROM): "LGBT Rights are Human Rights" by Women's Alliance Serbia: "Team [...]

2014-04-29T14:12:20+02:00Wednesday, November 20th, 2013 @ 11:32|Categories: 2013, Announcements, News, Projects|Comments Off on EGLSF Funding Programme 2013: Announcement of project results

Good Practice Small Grant: Strengthening Development in Central & Eastern Europe

The EGLSF Board is pleased to announce a new initiative to support the development of inspirational local projects amongst EGLSF members and other interested sports organisations in Central and Eastern Europe. There are 6 grants available. Each grant is worth 500 Euros. Who can apply? The Good Practice Development fund is open to all EGLSF members and other interested organisations which are active in the field of Sport and will carry out the activity/ies in Central and Eastern Europe. Special focus and priority will be given to organisations and initiatives which have not received support from EGLSF in the past [...]

2014-04-29T14:14:31+02:00Tuesday, October 29th, 2013 @ 22:30|Categories: 2013, News, Projects|Comments Off on Good Practice Small Grant: Strengthening Development in Central & Eastern Europe

3rd Asia Pacific Outgames – Do The NT

Darwin 2014 Inc, the organisers of the 3rd Asia Pacific Outgames, invite the LGBTI community to join them and take part in Sports, Culture and Human Rights. They welcome all participants, supporters and delegates in May 2014 to celebrate over seven days their motto 'Strength Through Togetherness'. Amongst a full seven day program you will have the opportunity to book personalized tours throughout the Top End of Australia and you may also take the opportunity visiting one of our neighbouring Asian countries with direct flights to and from: Bali, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, (Tokyo via) Manila and Timor-Leste. Endless opportunities! www.darwinoutgames.com.au

2020-04-19T16:58:23+02:00Sunday, October 6th, 2013 @ 22:28|Categories: 2013, News|Comments Off on 3rd Asia Pacific Outgames – Do The NT

EGLSF AGA Hosts announcement – results

The Board is happy to announce that after the e-voting developed during August, the virtual assembly has decided that the next AGA, in which EGLSF will celebrate its 25th anniversary, will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, hosted by our friends from Out in Slovenia. Their bidding received the 47,1% of votes and members preferred it above the other two great proposals, delivered by FriGo (from Budapest) and Panteres Grogues (from Barcelona). The Board would like to thank both organizations for willing to host the AGA and to celebrate our anniversary in their cities. It is time for the Board to [...]

2014-02-25T11:50:37+01:00Monday, September 2nd, 2013 @ 11:35|Categories: 2013, AGA, Announcements, News|Comments Off on EGLSF AGA Hosts announcement – results