The Board is happy to announce that after the e-voting developed during August, the virtual assembly has decided that the next AGA, in which EGLSF will celebrate its 25th anniversary, will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia, hosted by our friends from Out in Slovenia.
Their bidding received the 47,1% of votes and members preferred it above the other two great proposals, delivered by FriGo (from Budapest) and Panteres Grogues (from Barcelona). The Board would like to thank both organizations for willing to host the AGA and to celebrate our anniversary in their cities.
It is time for the Board to start preparations for the next annual general assembly, together with the team of Ljubljana and to think of how to celebrate the 25 years of the largest lgbtiq sports federation in the World. In the next months, we will keep you updated about both programmes and how to join EGLSF in Ljubljana.
So please remember not to make any plans for the next 7, 8 and 9th of March, 2013, first to attend Building Bridges IV conference and then the assembly.