Under the project +PLUSS “LGBTQI+ Policy and Leadership in Sport and Society”, funded by the Erasmus+ sport program, a site visit for fellow LGBTQI+ sport club leaders has been hosted by Out in Slovenia in Ljubljana (Slovenia) on February 16th-18h, 2024 in order to facilitate knowledge sharing and build a community of European leaders.
17 participants from #PLUSS partners and visiting club leaders had the chance to understand the ways of working, in particular related to growth/sustainability of the club and to advocating for LGBTQI+ rights in wider society.
Partners organisations responsible for the 2 planned workshops were the German “Team München” on the topic of governance and the Danish “Pan Idræt København” on the topic of events.
Together with membership and advocacy that were addressed during the site visit held in Budapest last October 2023, these topics form the 4 strategic areas for development of the member body, EGLSF (membership, advocacy, events and governance).
This activity is expected to contribute to building cooperation and understanding among LGBTQI+ sports clubs in Europe so that sport clubs and their leaders have a network that offers support, motivation and accountability which will secure the delivery, impact and legacy of LGBTQI+ sport participation.
Furthermore, the capacity building on the 4 topics will increase the capacity of LGBTQI+ sport leaders and clubs so that EGLSF clubs can continue to exist and grow to provide inclusive and safe environments for people who are excluded from existing sport structures, despite minimum resources and the reliance on a small number of active volunteers.
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