Research & Outcomes kick off meeting

On February 7th, partners of this project, funded by the Erasmus+ programme of European Union, met to launch the project, discuss objectives, first meeting dates and roles and responsibilities.

WSRO aims to start a serious initiative of research data to reflect the situation for the participation of LBTI+ women on an individual level, and in both mainstream sport and in LGBTI+ sports organisations.

Specific objectives are a review of the current situation of LBTI+ women and the mechanisms of discrimination they face in sport; a research element to identify how, where, and when LBTI+ women practice sport, and identify the barriers and challenges to their participation in and access to sport; and dissemination of the findings and outcomes of the project.

The project aims to offer a pathway to an inclusive, equal, and diverse sport culture which allows real access and participation to women in all their diversity to sport.

Project partners are EGLSF (Netherlands), Activ'Elles04 (France), University of Valencia (Spain), Seitenweschel e.V (Germany).