

EGLSF & Partners Launch Inclusion In Sport (iSPORT) Erasmus+ Sport project

Wednesday, February 24, 202 saw the launch of the Inclusion In Sport (iSPORT) project, which is a two-year project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. iSport Objectives The iSport Project will promote diversity and social inclusion in sport by bringing together partners from many sectors who traditionally face barriers to sport participation - women, LGBTQI+ community and people with disabilities. The project will promote equal opportunities and awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity through increased participation in, and equal access to, sport for all these sectors. Project outputs will include an online MOOC and an [...]

2021-02-24T16:22:51+01:00Wednesday, February 24th, 2021 @ 16:22|Categories: 2021, External, iSport, News, Press Release, Sport|0 Comments


The EGLSF CEEYOUSPORT project kicked off successfully with its first workshop in Zagreb at the end of April.    The goal of the 2-day-long workshop was to carry out a self-assessment of LGBTIQ+ sport initiatives with a focus on CEE-specific issues. The idea was for the participants to get to know not only each other, but also the challenges they face in their home countries, and the successes they have already reached with their clubs or organisations.    The workshop exercises were interesting, innovative, inspiring and really interactive, the host clubs, FemSlam LBT Football, qSport Zagreb and Queer Sport Split prepared, organised and facilitated [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:15+02:00Monday, September 16th, 2019 @ 19:04|Categories: 2019, CEEYOU|0 Comments

EGLSF successful in European Commission bid

The European Commission published the results of the 2018 Call for proposals "Exchanges and mobility in sport". We are extremely pleased to announce that EGLSF is one of the 7 successful recipients of the project funding with our proposal : "Development of LGBTQ sports clubs in Central and Eastern Europe".  This call aims to contribute to the efforts of sport organisations by supporting the learning mobility of their staff. Exchanges of people, ideas and good practices can be beneficial for the individuals, for their organisations and for sport and society as a whole. Seven projects were selected for a total budget of EUR [...]

EGLSF at VOICE final conference

EGLSF was present at the final conference for the VOICE Erasmus+ Sport project this weekend in Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. EGLSF has worked with other stakeholders in the academic and sports worlds to secure support for the victims, generate sound research data and enable the development of contextualised resources for the benefit of the European sport community. The culmination of 2 years work in combatting sexual violence in European Sport through the voices of those affected, this final 2-day conference was a powerful and emotional presentation of  the results of the study, and the new educational resources developed for the European sport community. This conference [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:15+02:00Saturday, May 5th, 2018 @ 22:22|Categories: 2018, Advocacy, External, Press Release, Projects|Tags: , |0 Comments

EGLSF at the “Play the Game 2017” conference, Eindhoven.

This year there was the 10th edition of the Play the Game Conference in Eindhoven. More than 450 participants discussed the biggest challenges in the world of sport. At the centre of the conference are classic Play the Game themes like doping, match-fixing and corruption in sport, but themes like innovation and new trends in sports such as e-sports have also found their way in to the programme. Play the Game 2017 takes place in a period of time, when more and more media, governments and sports organisations have had to face those problems that have been following sports for [...]

2020-04-19T16:58:18+02:00Friday, December 22nd, 2017 @ 10:27|Categories: 2017, Advocacy, Members, Projects|0 Comments