PLUSS – First results achieved and publication of content of the capacity building

On April 30th, EGLSF and its European partners of the Erasmus+ Sport project  +PLUSS “LGBTQI+ Policy and Leadership in Sport and Society” met online for a partnership meeting that served, in addition to planning the next activities, to conclude the phase of site visits and capacity building on the 4 strategic areas for development of its member bodies (membership, advocacy, events and governance).

34 persons from EGLSF and its European partners (the Croatian “Queer Sport Split”, the Belgium “Out for the Win”, the Hungarian “Atlasz Sport Club”, the Slovenian “Out in Slovenia”, the German “Team München” and the Danish “Pan Idræt København”) took part to the capacity building on membership and advocacy, held in Budapest last October, and on events and governance, last February in Ljubljana.

Thanks to this activity, the first indicators established to evaluate the impact of the project have been successfully achieved: the evaluation results show that participants involved significantly increased their capacities on these topics (94% of participants who evaluated as excellent, very good and satisfactory the increase of knowledge on events; 81% on knowledge; 93% on membership and 93% on advocacy).

Looking at the 2 best answers, we can conclude that the 6 sports clubs have significantly increased capacity (67% of the answers evaluated the new capacities/knowledge acquired as "very good and excellent").

Furthermore, participants declared that, thanks to this activity related to the EU-funded project PLUSS, they feel less isolated, increased their sense of community and increased their motivation and inspiration to promote LGBTQI+ rights through sport.

Finally, a digital presentation of the content and of the programme of the capacity building, divided into the 4 topics, has been created for wider dissemination and can be downloaded here.

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