EGLSF was present as an observer and participated in leading the training during the MESIS project capacity building session in Ljubljana, Slovenija from 21-24 March 2024.
Physical education teachers, educators, coaches, selected from 4 different countries spent 3 days together learning how to integrate a human rights approach to sport, focusing in education through sport, via practical activities and theoretical presentations.
Frisbee and basketball activities were used to convey different active approaches to sport concentrating on the principle of inclusion.
At the end of the training session, participants were able to use theoretical and practical training offered to develop their own ‘lesson plan’ for a sporting activity and test this out with their colleagues, receiving feedback from each other and trainers on how to improve the session.
After Rome and Ljubljana, the next and last MESIS capacity building took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on April 10th-13th, 2024.
A special thanks to:
Angelica Saenz, Rene Koravin, and Aldo Dadone from member clubs Club Esportiu LGTB+ Samarucs València, Out in Slovenija and AICS respectively for leading workshops on discrimination based on SOGIESC and how to promote sports as a tool to enhance education in human rights during this Ljubljana session;
Andrej Pisl, Rene Koravin, Tina Smid and Marta Pujol from member club Out in Slovenija for hosting this session and organising the logistics and on-site planning.
Further information about the Erasmus+ sport MESIS project, funded by the European Commission, can be found here.
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