Make a stand against discrimination – make it possible for 100 gay men and lesbians from Eastern Europe to take part in the Cologne Gay Games. The VIII Gay Games Cologne 2010 have set a target of making it possible for 100 people from Eastern European countries to take part in the Games. With your donation you will be helping to provide these men and women with a week filled with ‘joie de vivre’ (“love of life”) and cordiality in Cologne.

Get involved, and support the Outreach Programme for the Cologne Gay Games. By doing so, you will be contributing to these men and women gathering some strength and hope – in the quest for more rights in their homeland and in the development of their own gay-lesbian sports scene. Men and women are still suffering from discrimination on account of their sexuality. Their daily life is characterised by exclusion, ostracism, and persecution. Living with your lesbian or gay partner openly is, in many countries, definitely not without risk. Sport in a lesbian-gay club can, if at all, only take place covertly. Cast out by family and in the workplace, ostracised in public life and with a covert private life, there’s often no energy left to battle for equality and acceptance.

Added to this is that many gays and lesbians have very limited financial means. Combining this with feelings of inferiority and inadequate networking amongst lesbians and gay men, taking part in the Gay Games is a real challenge. A Gay Games experience can change a person’s life forever. You already know that “Gay Games change the world.” Please now help us change the world for others.

Cologne’s Rhein-EnergieStadium will be the setting for the opening ceremony of the Gay Games VIII. No doubt you are looking forward to this fantastic event. More than 12,000 people from over 70 nations will be coming to Cologne to experience a wonderful week, with exhilarating competitions and dazzling cultural events. You’ll be in the thick of things – celebrating sporting success with your team and going out on the scene, with pride, having a great time.

What may sound so customary to you, however, isn’t the norm for all lesbians and gay men. Your donation is crucial – whether it’s 10, 20, 50, or even 100 Euro – every Euro counts.

Please transfer the amount to our donations account, marked "Spende Outreach"
games cologne gGmbH, IBAN: DE69 370501981900328889
Stadtsparkasse Köln, SWIFT-BIC.: COLSDE33

Paypal donations are also possible, please see website for details. Donations which are more than 100 € receive a donation receipt, so please provide an address.

The 100 athletes thank-you for your support!