Last year the EGLSF signed the 'Brighton Declaration of Women and Sport'. A commitment to gender equality in sport. Every 4 years a international conference is held and this year it attracted more than 700 participants from almost 100 countries in Helsinki. And it was the first time that LBTIQ issues were raised.
During four days several topics were discussed, all regarding women and sports. EGLSF was visable with a booth in the exhibtion, as a guest on the pannel discussion on 'Sport without Fear' and as co-host of one of the parallel sessions on LGBTI inclusion in sports.
The participants expressed the need of leading the change and of concrete actions in the areas of sport policies, leadership, coaching, participation, safety, health and wellbeing. So they unanimously adopted the Conclusions and Recommendations of the 6th IWG World Conference on Women and Sport, ”Lead the Change, Be the Change”. In the next few months we will be implementing the Brighton Declaration in our work. Our conference report on the session will be available soon.