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July 12, 2014 – July 14, 2014 all-day
EUROPRIDE BEACH VOLLEY @ Marseille | Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur | France

Get ready! This summer the Marseille Frontrunners Volley Ball Group is holding its first international tournament of Beach Volley. We will be waiting for you from the 12th to the 14th July 2013 on the Euro pride beach, a place totally dedicated to sport and fun. On the agenda: Be the volley ball stars on the beach, compete to win the Marseille Beach Volley Trophy (3 diferents levels). You will also have the opportunity to enjoy the water sports facilities - take the sun before parties on the beach. On the Saturday will take place the pride circuit festival a night to remember.
Organisation: * 4x4 Game + substitute * Tournament: Friday and Saturday * Quarter-finals, half-finals, finals and trophy ceremony: Sunday afternoon * Players who won’t be qualified for the quarter-finals will have access to the Euro pride beach on the Sunday, including the lunch. You must be present for trophy ceremony… you could be surprised!
* Official party: Saturday 13th July - Forever - Pride Circuit Festival - Club Europride
* Fares for players: 3 days, lunch included = 40€. Fares for supporters: 3 days, lunch included = 25€ * Special price for the party of Saturday 13th July - Forever - Pride Circuit Festival: 25€