This is an additional announcement regarding the Rome Gender Conference. If you want to make your travel arrangements now, be aware, that our all-day seminar on gender will be one day before the AGA!

What’s it about - you are…
… a mixed club, and no matter what you tried, you couldn’t get

[more] women to join?
… a single-sex club and find it hard to cooperate with your local gay or lesbian partners?
… a female or male minority in your club, or in the one you would like to join, and don’t feel welcome, comfortable and represented?
… interested to improve the situation and ready to commit yourself to a whole day of playful work and enlightening experience?

Welcome to the first extensive event dedicated to the gender topic in our community! It will start early and in time, and there will be no coming and going. All participants need to be committed to actively contribute to a variety of working groups, exercises and activities. Our professional gender trainers will work out a sophisticated programme to equip you with a maximum of gender knowledge to take home.

Food and drink will be provided, as well as time to relax and contemplate. Free accommodation is available to the maximum of 50 participants, thanks to the generosity of our Roman hosts.
More detailed info will soon be supplied on our website by 2nd week of December, when online registration starts – first registered, first admitted! The maximum of 50 participants will be equally shared between women and men. After February 1st, free places will be given to people on a waiting list.